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David Kennet
Registered Holistic Allergist

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Do you or your loved ones
suffer from allergies?

Food, environmental, chemical, animal, or other allergies can wreak havoc on your health and your enjoyment of life. We have a system that safely brings relief from most allergies in only one to four sessions. It is called BIE, BioEnergetic Intolerance Elimination. This unique technology is a proven method for desensitizing these sensitivities, literally clearing annoying symptoms within minutes. No needles. No drugs.

allergy headache

Food Allergies

Do you worry about avoiding certain foods that don't agree with you, or assume that for the rest of your life you will have to stay away from foods that cause allergic reactions? Perhaps you have a digestive problem and don't know what foods may be causing it. We can help to determine what allergies you have, and can balance your body's reaction to that food you would love to be able to eat.

wheat allergy, gluten allergy, bread

Environmental Allergies

Over-sensitivity to dust and molds in your home can cause problems all year round and can compromise your immune system. Perhaps you avoid being outside certain times of the year, or you may take over-the-counter drugs to help with sinus pain and congestion. Experience great relief with BIE. Enjoy nature without having to worry about respiratory problems.

environmental allergy, pollen allergy
Pet Allergies

Perhaps you react to a friend's cat every time you visit, or maybe you would like to have your own pet if you or someone in your family didn't have an allergy. You will be amazed at the relief BIE can bring.

pet allergy, dog allergy, cat allergy
Yes, you can...
  • Enjoy a varied diet and eat what you please
  • Increase your energy and vitality
  • Improve your immune system function
  • Reduce stress
  • Enjoy a less restricted lifestyle
  • Experience the outdoors with joy and enthusiasm
  • Have fun playing with pets

Call David Kennet, Registered Holistic Allergist, at 805-576-7939 or 323-770-6724, or email

more services offered by David

BIE desensitizing is a simple method that allows the body to adapt to intolerances by removing various stressors to the body, which helps the body to achieve homeostasis (balance)

Registered Holistic Allergists are not medical doctors and do not use medical diagnostic or treatment procedures.

The services performed by Holistic Allergists are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of nutritional matters or the sensitivities to various substances, and does not involve the use of scratch tests, needles or blood tests to verify the client’s sensitivities, allergies or intolerances to foods or environmental substances. All testing is done for experimental or educational purposes only and does not involve the diagnosing, curing, prognosticating, treatment or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of disease or any act, which will constitute the practice of medicine in this province in which a license is required.

All suggestions (if any) regarding herbs or nutritional matters are based on historical and traditional use.

The client/patient should not for any reason, ingest or expose himself/herself to any substance that he/she has previously been diagnosed as highly allergic or anaphylactic by a qualified medical physician/allergist unless he/she has first been given consent by a qualified physician/allergist.

Program compliance is required for guaranteed results.